24/01/09 24th January 2009

Greatly Missed A father's touch, A daddy's kiss, A grieving Daughter, you're gratly missed. A empty house, An empty chair, A fathers love, No longer there. A broken heart, Tear filled eye, Another soul to fill the sky. Many memories in my mind, Some I laugh, Some I cry. The times we shared, The laughs we had, Things I miss when I think of you Dad. Missing you laugh, I will never again hear, That is reality that fills me with so much fear. No more smiles on your face, No more warmth of your embrace. The last hug, The last kiss, The last " goodbye" leaves me with one last wish .... To have you dad here today, Never to leave your Daughters this way. A farther's youch, A daday kiss, A grieving Daughter, YOU'RE GREATLY MISSED! MISSING YOU EVERYDAY, ALWAYS IN OUR THOUGHTS LOVE YOU DAD XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX